
Our Academy offers training and further education for bikers* who want to take responsibility for themselves and others.

  • Road Captain: the responsible organizer, the safest rider, the experienced guide, the all-knowing and most capable "solid as a rock". We provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills
  • Our partner "Swiss Lady Rider" offers "slow track trainings" and "coaching". Mastering your bike at a slow pace and optimizing your cornering technique are the contents - not only ladies benefit
  • Correct reactions in an emergency. It does not always have to be a fall. In a group there can also be "stress". Our Medical-Coach shows you how to react in tricky situations

Not only road captains profit - take a look at our courses - maybe one or the other one will fit you as well

Certified Training Road Captain

" way to the specialist "

Modul I: Basics, Organization, Planning

Modul II: Technique, Group Riding, Group Guiding

Modul III: Emergency Course for Bikers, "People in Groups”

Modul IV: Systems, Tools, Completion

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"slow track training"

" you are the boss "

Master your bike at very slow speed

Maneuvering safely in confined spaces

our coaches show you what is possible




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"First aid for Bikers…"

" I can help "

The specific emergency course for bikers. We show you how you can help





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Your wishes & dreams - our passion - we make it real